Tuesday 18 November 2014

UN adopts resolution on people, right to self determination

— Reuters/File
 A United Nations General Assembly committee on Tuesday adopted a Pakistani-sponsored resolution reaffirming that the universal realisation of the right of peoples to self-determination was a fundamental condition for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights.
The resolution manifested the 193-member body’s firm opposition to acts of foreign military intervention, aggression and occupation, since these have resulted in the suppression of the right of peoples to self-determination and other human rights in certain parts of the world. The resolution, co-sponsored by 81 countries, was adopted by consensus in the Assembly’s Third Committee, which deals with social, humanitarian and cultural issues.
The resolution also called on those states responsible to cease immediately their military intervention in and occupation of foreign countries and territories, as well as all acts of repression, discrimination, exploitation and maltreatment.

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