Friday 21 November 2014

IS attacks Iraqi city of Ramadi

Islamic State militants marching in Raqqa, Syria.— AP/File
 The Islamic State (IS) group launched a major attack on the Iraqi city of Ramadi on Friday, attempting to seize one of the last urban pockets under government control in troubled Anbar province.
“IS launched a surprise attack from four directions — north, west, east and south of Ramadi,” a police first lieutenant in the city said by telephone on Friday.
“A series of mortar attacks have targeted areas inside the city, including provincial council buildings and a police post,” the officer added.
Police Captain Qusay al-Dulaimi said “the mortar fire has been continuous since midnight”.
Unlike in the past, mosque loudspeakers called on people to fight IS rather than resist government forces.
Soldiers, police and tribal fighters were able to retake one area the militants had seized and hold off attacks on others, deputy provincial council chief Faleh al-Essawi and tribal leader Sheikh Rafa Abdulkarim said.
But the sound of gunfire could still be heard in the city on Friday evening, indicating that fighting in the area was not over.
The attacks killed at least six people, including police Colonel Majid al-Fahdawi, security and medical sources said.

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