Wednesday 19 November 2014

Black Widow with seven dead partner held in Japan

Chisako Kakehi
 A 67-year-old millionairess was arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of poisoning her husband with cyanide as it emerged six former partners had already died, in Japan’s latest apparent “black widow” case.
Chisako Kakehi has been the beneficiary of a combined 800 million yen ($6.8m) over the last two decades, Jiji Press said — insurance money and other assets she received after the seven men’s deaths.
Husband number four Isao Kakehi fell sick suddenly at home and was confirmed dead at a hospital in December last year, less than two months after the couple married.
An autopsy found highly toxic cyanide compounds in his blood.
That came after the September death of a 75-year-old boyfriend, who fell suddenly ill after the couple ate together at a restaurant, Jiji said.

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